Thursday, November 03, 2005


Honesty is the best policy. In every (seriously every) relationship honesty should be the basis. It should be the common ground on which everyone treads. If you don't have honesty in your relationships, nasty words like deceit, lying, and fallacy start creeping in. Without honesty you get jealousy, questioning, and possibly hatred. I'm talking blunt truth honesty. Emotions, feelings, attitudes, reactions, everything. I don't know that I can emphasize that enough.

Honesty can also change your whole perspective when it smacks you upside the head. This is the type of honesty that makes you nervous just to think about. It gives you nausea just to think about hearing the honesty or speaking this honesty. This honesty is toxic honesty. It is the kind of honesty that can destroy your entire life. It is like the news of a non-operable small cell lung cancer that has spread to your brain, it sucks.

It is in situations that toxic honesty presents itself in which people's true nature shows through. How people respond to toxic honesty will give you a good idea of how they will respond to just about any other situation. This honesty is absolutely necessary, refer to the first sentence, but it sucks. Life is determined by traumatic events. Its just how you respond to them that makes you a hero or a coward. Everyone gets a shitty hand once in a while. It takes a truly brave person to play out a shitty hand and wait for new cards. I applaud people that have encountered devastation and continue to live their lives and flourish. These people go through crap and come out shining. I just hope that I can come out alive when a disaster hits.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you always wonder what would happen if you were truly in a devastating situation?
During one of the temporarily common school shootings a few years ago, a wrestler tackled the shooter as he sprayed the cafeteria with rounds. The wrestler was shot in the struggle but survived. Who knows how many he saved.
Furthermore, who knows who else would have the clarity of thought to do what he did? To rise above the paralyzing fear?
Amen to them and our soldiers who do it daily all over the world.

11/03/2005 11:08 AM  

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