Saturday, March 25, 2006

BBall Time

As you all know (and if you don't, close this window right now) we are in the season of unproductiveness. Spring, yes, but more importantly March Madness. With all these games on television, I haven't seen better broadcasting since Olympic Ice Dancing with Tanith Belbin or Curling with Cassie Johnson. Granted, these girls are much better looking and more nimble, but they can't post up against LSU's Big Baby Glen Davis (but then again who can?). Why fight this urge to watch basketball? Why do something more productive? These games are some of the best finishes I've seen since some of Peter North's escapades.

Okay, that had two references to olympic athletes, a reference to college basketball, and a porn reference. I'm doing well so far.

To finish up this post, I need to work in the word of the day. Due to the recent increase in disaffection towards a certain individual. My new metier will be to continue the spread of dislike and contempt for the rest of this semester, clinical rotations, and anyone else who comes into contact with aforementioned individual.

-SAMM founder and current executioner

P.S. Cardiology- why not? If you are inginuitive you can end up wearing Versace to clinic and hand out thousand dollar scholarships and Darth Vader stethoscopes like water.


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