Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Off to the races

So, once again while out running in the wonderful bustling metropolis that is Terre Haute, IN, I was harrassed by a canine. Granted, this time it was not three dogs, led by a giant poodle, but it was a dog that came within a yard of biting my calves clean off. I was running on a sidewalk, not the best place to run for your knees, but... you make due. Over the mix I was jamming to I heard the familiar sounds of one pissed off canine. I heard several barks, turned my head, and saw some kind of mutt dog, no bigger than a small retriever, at my heels. GO TIME!!! Of course this comes at an inopportune time, when I have already gone about 7 miles and I'm slightly fatigued. No matter, endorphins to the rescue. So, after exhasuting a good supply of catecholamines from my adrenal cortex, I was safely out of harm's way. What was my first thought after thanking the Lord that I still had all my parts intact? Why the @#%$ can't the people in this town keep their dogs a.) on a leash b.) INSIDE for once c.) inside an electric fence d.) trained? Nonetheless, I continued on my path, pissed off at an animal that lacks the ability of self-awareness and self-consciousness. Maybe I'll invest in a dog repellant...

Plans for the week:
This weekend I will be in Colorado racing for the Susan Komen Foundation in a 3K snowshoe race on Saturday. Then, on Sunday, I will be skiing in Vail. A nice break from the grind of having my nose pressed in a book 18 hours a day. Now, I know what you fellow runners are thinking: 3K? That's my warm up. Why race 3K? And, I'll answer you. First, it's a SNOWSHOE race. You're racing on snow. Ever tried that before? Ok, me neither, but I'll let you know. Second, it's a 12,000 ft. in elevation. Now, for comparison, the highest point in Indiana I believe is something like 920 feet above sea level. Now, imagine running the 3K, but in vertical elevation. Now you see the difficulty. I will be at a distinct disadvantage to all the people that live in Frisco (where the race is) or in Denver (which is at approx. 5500 ft. and where my friend lives). The other problem with the drastic change in elevation over a short time span is the same problem that is faced by climbers. Altitude sickness. Not a big deal you say? Well, after you get passed the worst headache of your life and the vomiting, you still have the pulmonary and cerebral edema possibility. (That is a bad thing, for the non-medically inclined.) Worried you ask? Nay, for I am young and invincible, other than my patellar tendonitis, my repeated shin splints, a propensity for blistering feet during races, and the fact that I'll be racing in single digit temperatures. (Pause for chuckle,noted intended irony, and arrogance)

I'll follow up this jaunt to Colorado with several bike rides with a friend in Ft. Wayne, IN. Average mileage of the ride(s): probably going to be in the 50-60s. Thankfully at lower elevation than Colorado, but still demanding in their own regard, since my friend is a cycling fanatic. I will need a week break to recover after my Spring Break.

Save travels to everyone that is leaving the state, going to California, Mississippi, or wherever.

Current study music: some techno podcast that i found on iTunes called Percussion Lab Presents.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the invincible S3/\/S3I:

Best wishes for the race... I hope you win the golden snowshoe trophy. And if there is no golden snowshoe trophy... then I hope you have fun with your new snowshoe skilz.

have a great trip.

3/08/2006 12:46 PM  

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