Sunday, February 19, 2006

Give me my leg back!!

Now, depending on how you read this article will determine how hilarious you think it is. I'll just give you the byline and let you read it for yourself: Girl's prosthetic legs stolen for second time

Now, what kind of motivation do you need to steal a prosthetic leg? Are you that hard up for money that you're going to sell it? I'm just trying to picture the conversation that lead up to this. Did they survey the house first and say, "We're robbing this house because they have prosthetic legs?" Were these bozos searching for people with prosthetic legs to rob? Or were they robbing the house and then coincidentally stumbled upon the prosthetic leg and decided it would be a good idea to steal it? Then they proceeded to put everything else back and take the leg? And what kind of fence are you going to that will actually buy this thing and has enough confidence in it's resale value? I mean you don't just walk up to a pawn shop and sell a prosthetic leg do you? I mean it's not generic like crutches or a walker; it is a specially designed piece of medical equipment. And if you are going to go through all the trouble to stake out the house and take the leg, why leave it in the backyard? Did they decide on the way out of the yard that they had made a mistake and had gotten last year's model? Were they stealing it for their friend with one leg, and she specifically wanted the 2006 Kawasaki 893X model? I mean crack heads don't think like this. They just rob people in the street to go buy crack. They don't steal legs to sell them. Unbelieveable. Unfathomable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see they returned the stolen legs?? Cnn yesterday.

3/07/2006 11:20 AM  

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