Friday, November 11, 2005

Ebb and Flow

Life: a constant dance, a continually moving and changing tide, a cyclical, repeating, endless flow. Life is Tao. Hindu tradition teaches of the world as a continual dance of the god Shiva. It always seems that when you least expect things they seem to happen to you. Opportunities arise when you aren't looking for them specifically. Many opportunities relating to relationship possiblites also arise unexpectedly and seem to smack you in the face when you are least expecting it. Why is it that exes and single people seem to find you and call you when you are with someone? What is the norm? Is it a relationship with someone or is it the cycle of people calling and situations presenting themselves? I argue that the cycle is the norm. It is ups and downs. People flowing in and out. An influx of emotions and feelings. This norm is a type of environmental bipolar disease. It is simply periods of manic phases followed directly by severe depression. If the norm is this manic/depression cycle, then relationships are a steady state of insanity, the abnormal.

Relationships... not the direct subject of this blog, per se.
Back to the cycle. It seems that people pop up into your life just after you forget about them or stop talking to them. They don't just pop up again. They inflitrate your daily life. They claw their way back into your being. Feelings that have been forgotten, emotions that have subsided...
This is not solely limited to people that have been a part of your life previously, but is open to anyone, any person, any contact that you have had at any time. This tangential chance meeting becomes a focus. It seems that the status quo is a fickle relationship switching. It is incredibly hard to have an equal focus for every relationship, impossible I argue. This relationship switching prohibits an equality among relationships. Equality... the ultimate goal among people right? Impossible when it comes to personal realtionships. There will always be a tiered system when it comes to the levels of realtionships that people maintain in their daily lives.

As I write this blog, I realize my nature of writing in sound bytes. Little thoughts that are tangentially related. Even this paragraph is a tangent.

This normal cycle of fluctuation that is interrupted by relationships is life. As disheartening as it sounds and depressing as the outlook could be finding someone with which to have a relationship is an up-side. The path to this abnormal state of being: cycle and influx of new people. If life was static, the outlook would be even more grim. The prospect of a meaningful relationship with someone compatible would be welcomed, but unlikely with a latent nature of life. -Be thankful for the ebb and flow of life. The alternative is diasterous.


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