Saturday, November 12, 2005

Monon Bell

Today the Wabash Little Giants played in a great game with the Depauw Tigers and came out victorious. Final score Wabash 17 Depauw 14. The game was a sobering reality that I am graduated from college and are no longer allowed to get ridiculous on a weekly basis. It was strange for me to see the undergrads going crazy, and I had no desire to join them in insanity. Its strange when you realize that you have grown up and moved on to the next step. Not that I don't like to party, but it just wasn't the same as before. I was pumped that Wabash won, but still...

That was Sunday. Lets rewind a little: I did partake on Saturday, a little too much, as my drunk dials will attest. Got a chance to visit the bar in Crawfordsville. The only one into which Wabash students are welcomed. We drank too much and somehow I ended up getting a hot dog, cheeseburger, and fries at 3AM. I seriously felt pain in my liver on Saturday night. Not a chronic pain, but an acute stab once or twice. Saw another one of my friend's wives at the game. Weird. Another person under the age of 25 married.

Although, one of my friends recently brought up an interesting point: If I had had a child in high school, the child would be 6 or 7 years old right now. Scary. Everyone has those people that they went to high school with that got pregnant. What ever happens to those people? You seem to lose touch with them immediately after high school. In fact, I'm not sure that I would recognize those people if I saw them. Nor do I remember their names. I don't even remember the names of people that I casually hung out with, not to mention the acquaintences that I had.
Off the subject, of which there is none.

Mission for this week: work off the fat that has accumulated in my liver over the past week and a half.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ales and jarritos must have messed with your mind, mertz. Those adventures happend Saturday morning, unless you again ate a hotdog at diggers at 3 a.m.

On a side note, I have to tell you and Leon, (no doubt the only readers with longevity) that I feel as though my life is being turned into a giant Pop-punk song. Evidence enough was today while preparing for class, I swung by the other school to pick up some mall. At the building I ran into a girl that I had invited to dinner later in the night. I had not heard a response from her, so I inquired if she had seen it and to which I recieved the response..."yeah...uh..uh... um... no", not necessarily power or definite.
The leads me to the natural questions a) doesn't she know how cool I am, b) does she remember I exist, or c) What the Fuck?

Any answers?, B-foot

11/16/2005 1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the pop-punk world of broken, tainted hearts, and tears.
Remember: if it hurst, it's beautiful.

D. Leon. M.W.S.

11/16/2005 3:37 PM  

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