Thursday, January 05, 2006


Holidays are a time for everyone to brave the family they consistently attempt to avoid and enjoy friends they haven't seen in a while. Gifts from family members who have the impression that you will perpetually be 10 years old. The only thing you can do in this situation is to smile and try not to shake your head in disbelief. The wonderful holidays are augmented by a downright obligation to enjoy food and drink. This acts to loosen the collective tongues and usually acts as a harbinger of conflict. In the event that a conflict does not erupt, there are always people who feel obliged to talk behind other people's backs once they have left. This is of course moot if you actually like everyone in your family, but who has one of those families? You should love everyone in the family, but that doesn't mean you have to like them at all times. You know the family members of whom I speak. Everyone has them in their family. That's what I love about American families, the disfunction. And, as screwed up as you think your family is, let me remind of you of the monkeys that appear on talk shows (namely, Jerry Springer). Those people are screwed up.

(This is an aside, prepare yourself) I saw the title of a talk show, don't remember which one, but it was something like: "I slept with your husband and son." What kind of attention craving monkeys go on these shows? Now, I understand that the producers of the shows pit these people against eachother, and in many cases make up the story (because no one can be that stupid), but honestly... Is your life that boring that you feel the need to go on Springer and fight someone?

Anyways, holidays are incredibly funny if you take a step back and look at them from a distance (along with many things that happen in our daily lives).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can nearly top that show's title. I swear the title was "One of these eight men is my baby's daddy." The sad part was, after the DNA testing, none of the guys were the kid's dad. Only on Springer... or in Terre Haute

1/07/2006 6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brain wants new bloggage from you. ^_^

1/13/2006 7:33 AM  

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