Friday, April 14, 2006

Energy Bars

Current plans:
1. Tomorrow, get my VO2 max tested at a local sports performance center (for free mind you. I'm a member of the Sports Med Student Interest Group, obviously, I'm fairly into sports.
2. Continue testing energy bars and drinks and their relative effeciveness during workouts.
3. Run 15K FAST!! tomorrow after my VO2 max testing.
4. Take Sunday off since I was a maniac today.

Current energy bars:
Snickers Marathon
Clif bar
plain ole Quaker Granola bars- chocolate
Nature's Valley Granola bars- Peanut Butter
GNC Pro Performance Pro Crunch- Peanut Butter Crunch

Current energy drinks:
Accelerade- Lemon lime
EAS Endurathon- Lemon Lime
GNC Pro Performance Distance Formula - Fruit Punch

So, that's my plan for the next few days. I will write up the nutrition info (modified) as well as general taste and effect on performance. Now, I realize that I'm nowhere near a pro-athlete and therefore my performance scale is different that most. I'm a slow runner and a slow cyclist. It happens.

My workout today:
25.54 miles on the bike through country roads. (RO-ADs) Average speed 18 mi/h. There was a slight headwind out of the SW at 13 mi/h. After I got back in from my ride I went running. Literally right after. I changed into running shorts, changed shoes, and went. I went 4 miles at ~8 min/mi. As with every transition in a multi-sport event, your legs turn into jello for the first 2 miles. So, after my jello legs and cars buzzing me, I felt pretty good.

Incidentally, on my ride, I got buzzed by two semis going 50 mi/h and they gave me a whole 5 feet of space. It was great to get blown off the road by some a-hole jealous that I was out enjoying the weather and they weren't. Unfortunately the mapping system that I used wasn't exactly accurate. I came to to where I was supposed to continue on a road, but there was no more road. So, I had to ad-lib my route. I ended up cycling on a fairly major road. I was on a state highway, which is where I got buzzed by semis, and all I wanted was a freaking paved road. It seemed like every road that was going north was a gravel road. Not exactly the road biking conditions that you would hope for.

More to come from the energy bar/drink front soon.


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