Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The sweet life

I wish that I had more of an interest in Anesthesia. Dealing with pharmacology is interesting. I like thinking about what drugs to give in what situation, but after a couple cases, it got a bit boring. I had a couple interesting cases. A preemie was in for a procedure and we couldn't get a line in very well and called for help. Not 30 seconds later, there were 10 Anesthesiologists in the room crowding this 3.2 kilo child. She was so tiny and was getting flooded by a sea of hands and angiocaths. (Angiocaths are used to start IVs) We finally got a line started and just as quickly as they came, they left the room. Also, preemies, and young kids in general, have very little fat, so the room temp was about 80 degrees. Needless to say, I was sweating like a Malaysian whore in church. The sweat was rolling. Thank God I didn't have to scrub in on that case. I might have sweated right through the gown.

We had a kid today who was in for a dental procedure. (I'm on peds anes. So lots of stories about kids.) He had a Hx of seizure disorder, asthma, and MR. So, the kid was not really with it to begin with, but we had all kinds of problems with him. He just didn't want to cooperate. I started a line, which went in fine. I was nasally tubing him when suddenly I couldn't see. So we reset things a bit and tried again, but couldn't get a nasal, had to switch to an oral. Then my IV had shitty pressure, so we had to start another one. Then he had poor lung fxn, then he was tachy, then... It just went on and on with this kid. I just have no passion about doing that. And then I had a nurse try and pimp me. I was shocked. She was asking me what to use to paralyze and what I would do if I lost my IV and blah blah blah. For those of you interested in nursing, or are nurses, don't take offense to my next comment. My resident and I started talking about how nurses don't think when they do something, they just follow a procedure. Things have to be laid out for them, b/c they don't have even close to the amount of schooling that MDs have. Now, nurses run the hospital, there is no denying that, but some of them are a bit uppity about what they think they know. Granted, they know a lot, but it is superficial knowledge about what another doc did in a certain situation. They don't know all the reasons why. That's all I have to say about nurses. Just like everyone there are good ones and shitty ones.

A career in Anesthesiology? Probably not, but it's not completely crossed off like FP and Medicine. I do have some sweet hours right now. Average of 07:00 to 14:00 every day. That's an awesome day compared to the 06:00 to 18:00 on ortho (which didn't feel like a 12 hour day. Probably b/c I really liked it.)


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