Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Did you know that there is an entire website dedicated to the celebration of Mother's Day? Wonder what they do during the "off-season"... Mother's Day on the Net It has the history of Mother's Day, dating back to Greek times, honoring Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. It also has the American beginnings of the holiday. Contrary to popular belief that it is just another Hallmark generated Holiday, President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May to be Mother's Day back in 1914, although, technically Joyce Clyde Hall, the founder of Hallmark, stepped off a train in Kansas City, MO in 1910, so the possibility still exists that it is a 90+ year conspiracy.

Anyways, Mother's Day is not celebrated around the globe on the same day. It differs from country to country due to theories of the origins of Mother's Day in the respective countries. In Costa Rica and Antwerp, it is actually celebrated on the day that Mary was believed to be assumed into heaven, Assumption Day. For those of you not Catholic, or not acquainted with the concept of Assumption, I encourage you to check out the link. Essentially, it means she didn't die, but was taken straight into heaven.

The Mother's Day Proclamation can be read at: The Mother's Day Proclamation For more information on why your mom is so great, and the origins of the holiday, visit Wikipedia: Mother's Day

Go, celebrate, call you mom. Tell her how much she is worth and what she has done for you. Don't neglect the fact that she "brought you into this world, and by God [she] will take you out if you don't shape up."


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