Sunday, May 07, 2006

Traffic and Ailment (T&A if you will)

As I arose at 5:15 AM on the morning of the half marathon I noted that I still had some lingering flu, as signified by the sore throat and massive headache. So, I took a gram of Acetaminophen and went on with it. Weather report: supposed to be 46 at gun-time warming up to 65ish. (aka good running weather) I got to the starting of the race only to discover that I got hosed on my starting corral. Somehow I was with the walkers?? Seriously? Seriously? Someone was going to get hurt. So, I waited until all the corrals closed and hoped into one that had a few runners. Runners that were poking at about 10 min/mi, but runners nonetheless. (My race pace, when I'm on my game is about 7:30) So, I swerved and juked my way through a couple miles of traffic only to have to stop and pee at about the 5K. (Rookie mistake. I know better than that.) As I exited the lovely port-a-potty, I ran into the traffic I had just passed. So, like Ali, I was moving like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. Although, the stinging consisted of bursts of acceleration to get past people.

As I rounded the 10 mile mark I was still feeling not too bad. My feet felt like they were bleeding, but that's normal at that distance and in a half marathon. I was still passing people at this point, but there weren't walkers around me. I sped up a bit for the last 5K and finished a disgruntled 1:49:09, 4281 overall. (The winner, a Kenyan, finished in like 1:03.) Faster than last year's, but much slower than I wanted. So, I'm going to find another half within the next couple months and do that. Hopefully one with less people. The 35,000+ people was a cluster f at times.

On a side note: how do people drink beer after a race? All I want is water and one half cup of gatorade. I don't get it. I understand that beer has sodium in it, but... honestly you are drinking a diuretic after sweating for 13.1 miles. That just doesn't make medical sense to me.

Also, there was a firefighter from Bloomington, IN that wore full gear. (walking) I saw the guy at the race and shook my head in disbelief. He had on the mask, helmet, everything. I said to myself as I passed, "holy shnikes he must be hot." Awesome job on his part.

That's about all the update that I have. I will never have to take another class again. That's cool. I have also been in school for 2 decades continuously. Depressing, I know...


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