Obesity Reaches new Height (I mean Weight)
Before I delve into this matter, let me just say that I am not a fat person, by any stretch of the imagination, nor does obesity run in my family. My family is from Denmark: tall fishermen with lanky builds. So, I might be a little biased when it comes to this issue. But, let me assure you if I ever enter the category of "overweight" (from a BMI standpoint) I will restrict myself to a 1000 calorie diet and exercise for over an hour a day until the weight comes off. That being said:
Imagine that you were overweight. Okay, obese. Now, what would you do to correct the issue? Anything? What if you weighed as much as 5 baby elephants? Would you do something then? And let me ask you: how did you let yourself get that fat? It certainly didn't happen overnight. Well, Manuel Uribe is such a man. He weighs approx 1,200 lbs. (Actually, they aren't sure how much he weighs. They can't find a scale that would work for him. Well that and he can't walk.) Yep, Sr. Uribe can't walk. What does he do all day you ask? Uh, I don't know contemplate life and eat? Apparently his mom sows his clothes and cooks for him. Sr. Uribe went on Mexican television and pleading with the govt. of Mexico
to give him a gastric bypass to help him lose weight. "Uribe made an impassioned plea for help earlier this year on Mexican television, saying he weighed a more normal 290 pounds until age 22 and did not know what happened to him." More normal 290 huh? Well I guess that is normal-esque these days. Normal has shifted from the 75 kilo man to the 100 kilo man now. (290 is actually 131.5 kilos) Uribe is now 40. His wife left him 10 years ago because she was disgusted with him and thought he was dying. (my sentiments exactly) So now Uribe has attracted the attention of some Italian surgeon who is going to do the bypass for free. Dr. Giancarlo De Bernardinis said that his largest patient to date was 770 lbs.
Now, obviously there are interesting issues in this case: political, medical, social. Lets hit up the political first. Why do people insist on getting themselves up shit creek without a paddle and then start begging for help? How about I have 20 kids and then ask welfare to take care of them for me because I'm too busy turning tricks to buy meth? Or, I won't go to a physician for years and then just show up with malignant HTN, Diabetes, and a fungating mass on my testicle. "Oh and by the way, I'm on Medicaid." People, seriously. If you don't take care of yourself, why do you expect others to take care of you FOR you? I actually found a blog about this fatty. It was pretty good: Blogthecoast.com
Medically this guy is a surgeon's, an anesthesiologist's, a RT's, and a nurse's worst nightmare. First, lets talk about how they are going to get Fatty McFatterson out of his house and over to Italy. Uh... whale lift? Are they going to float him in a tank over to Italy? The CNN story quotes the fattest person in history: Jon Brower Minnoch. He was a fat POS as well. And yes, he weighted 1399.935 pounds at his fattest.
Moral of the story: go exercise. I saw a news article last night on CNNHN that kids in school are reaching obesity at alarming rates. Something needs to be done and fast.

Now, obviously there are interesting issues in this case: political, medical, social. Lets hit up the political first. Why do people insist on getting themselves up shit creek without a paddle and then start begging for help? How about I have 20 kids and then ask welfare to take care of them for me because I'm too busy turning tricks to buy meth? Or, I won't go to a physician for years and then just show up with malignant HTN, Diabetes, and a fungating mass on my testicle. "Oh and by the way, I'm on Medicaid." People, seriously. If you don't take care of yourself, why do you expect others to take care of you FOR you? I actually found a blog about this fatty. It was pretty good: Blogthecoast.com
Medically this guy is a surgeon's, an anesthesiologist's, a RT's, and a nurse's worst nightmare. First, lets talk about how they are going to get Fatty McFatterson out of his house and over to Italy. Uh... whale lift? Are they going to float him in a tank over to Italy? The CNN story quotes the fattest person in history: Jon Brower Minnoch. He was a fat POS as well. And yes, he weighted 1399.935 pounds at his fattest.
Moral of the story: go exercise. I saw a news article last night on CNNHN that kids in school are reaching obesity at alarming rates. Something needs to be done and fast.
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