Thursday, April 20, 2006

Training doldrums

Two weeks left until race day, and I feel like I'm dragging ass. I am going to run 13 miles this weekend, then taper for 2 weeks for the half-marathon. I ran 5 miles yesterday at what felt to be a comfortable pace, it turned out to be right about 8 min/mi pace. I guess running those hills all the time did help.

Now, a note from the ridiculous: Yesterday, as some people will attest, was Cow Chip Day. Now, I'm not sure if it was nationally celebrated, or just in Oklahoma Somewhere in the midwest they had a cow chip tossing tournament. Pardon me, I just did some research and... Cow Chip Day is to celebrate the WORLD Championship Cow Chip Throwing, and it takes place in Beaver, OK. Do you think that peole actually fly across the world just to take part in a tournament that throws dried cow feces?

It might not be that far fetched, since the most expensive coffee in the world has to pass through a Common Palm Civet cat's GI before it is even roasted. The Civet cat looks like a cross between a cat and a mongoose. So this coffee, called Kopi Luwak in most places, is "harvested" from these cats, ie. someone has the job of picking through the poop of these cats looking for digested coffee berries, leaving the beans intact. There are several places where this takes place, the least of which being the island of Java itself. How can you go wrong with a coffee from the island of Java? I'm not sure, but then again, I have a wicked coffee addiction. Not caffiene, coffee. Bottom line: this coffee sells for 75$ per quarter pound. For you Math majors out there, this means that a pound costs $300 US.

That was your random knowledge education for the day. You can thank google, wikipedia, and my anatomy professor for introducing me to the topic. (Thank my anatomy prof by buying him a stroller or a new 15 passenger van to cart around his litter. Long story, but let's just say that he has enough kids to field a baseball team.)


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