Monday, April 24, 2006


Over the past week I have noticed that I have become less and less of a masochist. I can't deal with my pain as well as I used to, and have given in more often than not. I ran 12 on Sat but had to break it up and walk twice. I'm not proud of it, but it happened. My CV capacity is fine. My legs weren't really sore; it hit me in the knees primarily. I did do some major hills so that might be a cause...

I took yesterday off, for the most part. Today I went out and ran 5, but I was dying. I felt like I was going to blow chuncks after 2.5 miles. I'm not sure why. I ran over an hour after I last ate. I chewed the same gum that I always do. I just felt like I was going to see my turkey crossaint sandwich again. I did have three cookies at lunch though... They were chocolate chip with caramel, and I couldn't resist. Not that I'm worried about ruining my figure. I don't think that would be possible running the miles I do.

So, should I scale back my workout for tomorrow? Probably. Will I? Ehhhhh... we'll see.
Plan: 10 x 400m @ 5K pace.
I'm going to run on a track, so it'll be cushy.

New energy supplement kick: Bloks by Clif? Powerade? Gatorade? (I don't remember and don't want to get up and look, sorry.)
As always, I will let you know my opinion: how they taste, how it works for me, and any other comments I might have.


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