Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I'm kind of in a shitty situation. There is a girl I want to date. She wants to date me. We would work out so damn well. Basically, it would be a great relationship. It was so easy when we were together. We hung out and did everything and nothing and were both satisfied with the outcome. Downside => she lives 2 time zones away. I am not one to chase love. I have dated long distance before and it hasn't worked, but I am really considering doing at least one if not more away rotations where she lives. It is possible and quite likely that I will be able to do them. I also will have 3 months of vacation built up. Downside => the vacation isn't until May/June of 2007.

It's not that I can't find people close. There are people close, but I have been so smitten with this wonderful and beautiful girl that no one compares right now. And I have tried looking. I tried to tell myself that I was just infatuated and that it would pass, but it hasn't yet. I'm not infatuated. That is something that is reserved for looking at puppies and cute babies. It's more of a kinship, a commonness shared through similar experiences, common yet separate. Aaaaghh. Frustration. Longing. And god damn high gas prices are driving up the price of plane tickets. At least I have tons of time off next month. No, wait, I have 80 hour weeks for 5.2 weeks starting in a week. Shit. I'm looking forward to October and November. Easy rotations.

I need to go ride and run off some anger. A good 40 mile ride and a 5 mile run should help that. Catch you on the flip side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stay strong. you're right about long distance relationships being a death sentence. cool girls remain cool. get your ass out here pronto though.

7/12/2006 2:51 PM  

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