Saturday, September 02, 2006

Scared? a little

18 months. That is what stands between me and making decisions that will directly affect whether people live or die. 18 months to learn how to best manage an ICU patient. 18 months to learn how to run a code. 18 months to decide, apply, interview, and match into a career for the rest of my life. I apologize in advance to all those not in medicine, I'm about to besmirch you. It is possible to change careers in medicine. You can go from an ER doc to an Anesthesiologist, it just sucks to do so. You have to go back through residency. Most often you choose your career at 26 and stick with it for the next 40 years. In other areas of the working public, people change jobs and careers all the time. A market analyst will start selling stock or become a lawyer. Something completely unrelated...

18 months...
18 months and I will have two letters after my name (well, after the Jr at the end of my name). 18 months to get those two important letters: M.D. After I have those letters, I will suddenly have 70% of hospital employees working for me. I will be able to write orders, write prescriptions, sign charts. The advice that I've heard from people: "Don't kill too many people. You're going to kill some, just limit it." How's that for some advice? Talk about realizing your own mortality in one statement.

18 months...
I'll still be the same person. Still a runner and a cyclist. Still a dog lover. Still a huge Notre Dame fan. Still a Wabash man. Still the same...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright Captain Morbid!
turn that frown upside down. sounds like you're bogged down with the responsibility and briefly losing sight of the joy, prestige, honor and tremendous gratitude that your patients will bestow upon you. my Aunt just had heart surgery. she specifically requested the surgeon she desired and is inexpressably grateful to this M.D. for helping save her life.
keep your chin up and keep perspective.
you're doing big, good things while my ass warms a cubicle...and sometimes stinks it up.

9/05/2006 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Sweet and I enjoy reading your thoughts. Why don't you post more, its not like you're busy or something. Chip chop buddy.


10/23/2006 9:58 AM  

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