Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year's

So, I started a new tradition: running on New Year's Day. I didn't go far, only 5 miles, but I think it is the perfect way to start a year. It was gloomy, windy, cloudy, and was spitting rain. It was perfect running weather. Okay, so my idea of perfect running weather usually is to the tune of: "well, the sun came up today, so I think I'll run."

I spent most of New Year's Eve intoxicated at a friend's house with a fine young lady. I spent most of the night with her hanging out and shooting the shit whilst I watched other people get s-faced. The party was full of your typical Depauw grads, med school students, and a small smattering of Wabash men holding down the fort. Most guys wore the now standard outfit of jeans, dress shoes, and a collared shirt (usually striped.) (as an aside, I hate myself for wearing this outfit. I feel as if I have nothing else acceptable to wear and that pisses me off. I hate looking like every other dude.) The girls were in their standard slinky top and jeans outfits. There was one girl who was wearing a whore's outfit. (If you have seen Chris Rock, you'll get the joke.) She had on a red cocktail dress with thigh high boots. Classy. Come to find out, she is a 4th year in medical school. Apparently all that dress for success stuff didn't pay off for some people.

I left the soiree at a little after 0600 on New Year's Day. I was sober by then so, I drove home.
Opinion: much better than going to a bar and spending 40-100 dollars just to get in. It was a much more affordable fee, there were lots of people to meet, and I don't have to dry clean the smoke out of my clothes.



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