Tuesday, December 26, 2006

You can't choose, Silly...

As I sit on my couch listening to Opera, sipping green tea with two candles lit in front of me, I contemplate family. Family in the blood-relations aspect. I shan't be delving into my friends who are my family, but rather family in the common denotation of : "any group of persons closely related by blood, as parents, children, uncles, aunts, and cousins." Wikipedia has it's own take on family. And the US Census Bureau has defined a family as: A group of two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.

Great. What does it all mean? Well, sit back and enjoy a cup of whatever you desire and listen to what ever music you will. I am going to provide an exegesis of my own family and the most incredible juxtaposition of culture that exists in it. I encourage you to take a step back and analyze your own family from the eyes of an outsider and look at the relationships that have developed and on what basis they are formed. I ensure you they are not simply due to familial consanguinity.

As I enjoyed an evening with at my sister's house I took several moments to observe and really look at who my family is. Let me back up a second. From here on out when I refer to sister, I really mean half-sister. We all have the same father, but different mothers. Also, there is a 22 year age gap from my to my youngest "sister." This makes for interesting discourse and inter-relational issues on a normal basis, let alone the havoc of the holidays. Also, note that this is one side of my family. The other side I am completely indifferent towards and care not what happens in their daily lives. I only care how it affects my mother and step-father.

Let us begin. As I stood in my sister's kitchen and surveyed the scene, I realized how different everyone in the room truly was. Let me pan the room for you, starting from left to right. One of my nieces and her boyfriend. She is 22 and is unemployed, didn't go to college, lives with her boyfriend and dresses like she is going to a club at all times when I see her. Oh, she's also a compulsive liar. Her boyfriend who is at least three times her size is next to her. Next we have one of my nephews who is 28, has a kid, works at Walmart in the Electronics department? He is about my height, has bright red hair and thinks his skin is several shades darker than ebony. He dresses like it too. Next, his brother also of the same persuasion in dress and attitude. Then we have my youngest sister's husband (number 4 husband?) who is almost legally blind. My sister married him surely for his lack of desire to do anything with his life. Then we have my youngest sister. We have a name for her involving the word "cooler." Not because she is somehow colder nor more "with it" than we are, but because that is what is usually in her hand: a cooler. She used to play the role of "medical authority" in the family. Next to her is my middle sister who is legally blind in one eye. She also thinks she is several shades darker than ebony. She was describing how she can't afford to buy a cellphone plan because she can't afford a down payment. Next to her is my second oldest sister with her ex-husband. They got divorced so he could run off with his internet girlfriend, but now are back together living in a small apartment or house somewhere north of where we are from. His brother is in jail for shooting at the police when they came to investigate his trailer where he had enough weapons to occupy Paris. My former brother-in-law maintains that his brother was in the right. Also he is the most racist person I have ever met in my life. Their kids are next to them. They are non-descript. One is going to Indiana Business College, the other still in high school. They are "small town" and have some aspirations. In the next room is another nephew and his girlfriend. He is 20 and has a band. He works two or three jobs to get money, but still lives at home with his parents, whose house I'm at currently. He has half a dozen tattoos and smokes. He is actually a very bright kid just on the artsy side of things. His girlfriend appears to have a solid head on her shoulders. She can hold a conversation, but I don't know much else. Next we have another niece, who graduated high school, puttered around a bit and is now going to start Beauty School. She is an attractive girl who despises her mother, my youngest sister, for being a drunk and divorcing her father (my sister's first husband). She views most people in our family with disdain and looks down on them. Behind me we have my fourth sister, whose house I'm at, and her husband. My sister is a house cleaner and a Mrs-Fix-it. She gets that directly from my dad. She is the most down-to-earth sister that I have. I am the closest to her. Her husband is a high level manager at a regionally operated chain of supercenter-like stores. He is also down-to-earth albeit incredibly lenient on his son. On the phone is my oldest sister who lives out of state and actually went to some college. She works for a welfare office I believe. She hates my middle sister and can barely stand my youngest sister. She just moved in with her boyfriend and her daughter, 33, is getting married in October. Her daughter has her masters in something biology related. Then there's me. Standing in the middle of this roller-coaster of booze and food observing it all.

Where to begin analyzing... much of it speaks for itself. Although put it in the context of me, a self-involved, cynical bastard who used to avoid family functions. The old adage that you can't choose your family has never rung more true than when I was a party of this debacle. Going from my parent's house in the outskirts of suburbia in an upper middle class neighborhood in the morning to this house full of people would be a culture shock for anyone. I even adjusted my wardrobe accordingly. I usually wear a collared shirt and/or a sweater and some nice pants to Christmas or my parent's house. I wore jeans and a cycling jersey with a zip sweater over to go to my sister's. It is smoky and they have a dog, so I end up smelling like ass when I leave regardless of the quantity of my sister's famous beans I consume.

I'm sure that my father is looking down on me right now swearing under his breath that I didn't take more charge after he left. But slowly I am assuming the patriarchal duties of the family. My sisters are starting to view their little brother in that role. Regardless of what I think of individual members of my family, someone needs to take the helm and lead them, shepherd them, and if need be, provide at least some sound advice for them.

That was a long diatribe into my life as I have told very little people. Not even my closest friends know the extent of my family and our relationships. I'm sure some don't care to know. If you made it to the end of this post in one sitting: congratulations are due to you. All I ask is that you take a look at your family and realize that everyone comes from a little different angle in life and together you and they have formed who you are today. So we're all a little ghetto, redneck, artsy, educated, and quarrelsome with family, but at the end of the day, family is who helps define us.

Shout out to DLMWS and his road-tripping. Don't use headphones too much.


Sunday, December 17, 2006


Motion City Soundtrack
-L.G. Fuad

Let's get fucked up and die..
I'm speaking figuratively, of course..
Like the last time that I committed suicide.. social suicide..
Yeah, so I'm already dead on the inside,
But I can still pretend with my memories and photographs,
I have learned to love the lie.

I wanna know what it's like to be awkward and innocent, not belligerent.
I wanna know how it feels to be useful and pertinent and have common sense.. yeah
Let me in, let me in to the club, cuz I wanna belong,
And I need to get strong, and if memory serves,
I'm addicted to words and they're useless.

(In this department)
Let's get fucked up and die..
I'm riding hard on the last lines of every lie,
And the BMX bike of my life is about to explode,
I'm about to explode.
I'm a mess, I'm a wreck.
I am perfect, and I have learned to accept all my problems and short comings,
Cause I am so visceral, yet deeply inept.

I want to thank you for being a part of my forget-me-nots and marigolds..
And all the things that don't get old..
Is it legal to do this? I surely don't know.
It's the only way I have learned to express myself through other peoples' descriptions of life..
I'm afraid I'm alone and entirely useless...

(In this department)
Let's get fucked up and die.
For the last time with feeling
we'll try not to smile
As we cover our heads and drink heavily into the nights
That still shock and surprise.
I believe that I can, overcome this and beat everything in the end
But I choose to abuse for the time being,
maybe I'll win, but for now I've decided to die.

Sister soldier
You’ve been such a positive influence on my mental frame
If I could ever repay you,
I would, but I'm hard up for cash
And my memory lacks initiative.

God damn the liquor store's closed,
we were so close to scoring
it hurts, it destroys 'til it kills..
I am tired and hungry and totally useless.
(In this department)


Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I am obsessed, obviously, with running. I am not really sure when this obsession started. It might have its origins with me attempting to find a sport in which I wouldn't get killed. Football didn't last long for me. I never made it to a game. I practiced for a week with the team until I had my left clavicle broke in practice. That ended the football playing for me. I still don't know what drew me to running. In high school and college I was a "sprinter." I ran the 110, 300, and subsequent 400 hurdles in high school/college. I think I decided to try it because my best friend was doing it and I was tall and gangly. I had a bit of speed in me, but nothing that got me recruited for Div I or II. Not that I was looking for that. For some reason I had an aversion to running long distances, which back then was anything over 2 miles continuously.

Finally in college I decided/realized that I would not have the opportunity to continue hurdling past college and wanted to continue running. So, I switched to longer distances and have since not turned back, although I occasionally hurdle something while just horsing around on a "short" run (3 miles).

It wasn't until I switched to longer running that I fully appreciated the beauty of running. The simplicity of it. The purity of basic running. It was a hard transition for me, since I like to run fast. I love the turnover of a 400 meter race. I had to learn to pace myself and slow down. Now, I'll go out and jog 3, 5, 10 miles without thinking about it. Odd how when you reflect on your life and even your lifelong interests, you realize how they have changed and evolved. You have changed; you have evolved. Is running a reflection of my maturity? (God I hope not, I run like an 80 year old man with osteoarthritis.) Rather I think it is simply a natural course and progress. Or maybe it was a simple shifting of an addiction.

For those of you that have read A Million Little Pieces, you will remember how the protagonist explains that an addict never ceases to be an addict, but merely shifts their addiction to something else. Runners are addicts. They can't get enough of running. They love the feeling of it. They will sacrifice their bodies for it, to it. They will (or at least I will) lie to be able to do it. Lie to your boss about a prior engagement; lie to your significant other; lie to a friend; lie to yourself. It is a drug. Plain and simple and those addicted to it are addicts. They will put themselves in harm's way to continue to use and abuse it.

Maybe I started and continued running because I knew that I could do it and others couldn't. In a Dean Kanarzes sense: I could run for long, and I was proving myself through it. It is an arrogant way of viewing your running motivation and talents, but for some people it is motivation. When I am running in the blistering cold, with the wind driving into my face, seeing no one else outside, wearing shorts, I smile. I love it. I love the feeling. I love knowing that I am a BA out there running in the extreme conditions (as extreme as IN can be, which isn't very extreme). In that respect I can identify with Kanarzes. His "I can do it and you can't" attitude is brazen, but resounds true sometimes.

Ultimately, you have to find your own reason(s) to continue running. Be it a race, to stay in shape, to lose weight, to have camaraderie, because you can't stop... just because... I will continue to run for a multitude of reasons, but mainly because I can't stop. I'm addicted, and I see no value in quitting.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Forced Relationships

Have you ever been in a situation where a friend fixes you up with someone they know? Of course you have. Everyone has been there. I didn't specifically ask, but nonetheless, I acquiesced to hanging out. Of course, we were drinking, so things were skewed a bit. I don't really like this person, but I kind of feel obligated to at least call her once. Besides, she has a t-shirt of mine.

Ugh. It's kind of depressing when you have to fake a relationship for the benefit of maintaining friendship with people. You feel semi-obligated to like their friends for at least a measured about of time. After a certain period of time, you just have to call a spade a spade. Now, I'm not saying that you have to be a dick about it, but politely distance yourself and tell the parties involved. What makes it worse is when the person likes you. Not just a passing like, but more like an infatuation. There is no way this person can like you for real. Well, I hope she doesn't. That would suck, for her I mean.

I know I'm a semi-shallow person, but I'm just not all that attracted to her. I don't want to force myself into liking someone for the benefit of another person. Yes, I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I need some catharsis right now. I even went on an "unplugged" run. I turned 5 miles in about 36 minutes, just effing around.

Oh, another depressing thing: another one of my idiot friends is getting engaged to be divorced. Sorry, I'm just cynical about it. Knowing that 3 of my friends are married, 3 are engaged or going to be, and one has a child. Statistically, 3 of them will eventually get divorced. That is depressing and the reason that I will have a pre-nuptual agreement.

Moving on... I'm in the NICU at a county hospital. What does that mean for my patient population? Minority and poor. Also, a good majority of babies that come through my NICU have positive drug screens. As if kids don't have enough trouble, to knock them down another peg with drugs. I swear parenting should be a licensed procedure.

Enough rambling for me. I'm tired and have a presentation tomorrow on respiratory distress leading to bronchopulmonary dysplasia with extended mechanical ventilation in neonates.
